HTM 301 Mind Map

HTM 301 Reflection
My Mind Map for the fall 2020 semester is representative of the leader I am now, as well as the one I want to one day be in the future. My hospitality "big why" is because I want to be the reason people are smiling at the end of their day, because that automatically brings one to my face. My current network that I can currently rely on is my twin sister and two hospitality major roommates, my professors, industry professionals I've researched, my current and past coworkers, and my sorority sisters. In order to build these relationships I could collaborate with my fellow student peers in order to excel higher at school or utilize us entering the industry together at the same time as a collaboration opportunity. I also hope to form stronger connections with my professors in the upcoming semesters in order to continue building a close relationship with The Payne School even after graduation. The Payne School is a great connection to hospitality opportunities in San Diego, which is exactly where I want to be for the rest of my life. Currently I am not as well established with The Payne School as I would want to be, so this upcoming semester I am going to be taking the extra step to get to know my peers in hospitality by joining a student organization. In order to build my network through my past employers, I will prove myself everyday I am on that job, leading to impressive references for future jobs I apply for. In my past experience I have worked in a restaurant, movie theater, retail, and held a two month internship with San Diego Picnics. From these roles I have learned how to manage and lead a team, apply creativity, schedule event day and times, and budgeting and expense sheets; ultimately making me more well-equipped to enter the hospitality industry as a career. The execution strategy I am currently following to eventually become a specialty event planner is to join an industry association's committee, get an internship my senior year, and graduate from The Payne School with a BS. The ideal company I would want to work for is To Be Designed - San Diego. This company did my cousins wedding in August 2020, and as soon as I arrived to the venue, I immediately wanted to find out who was responsible for the most beautifully decorated venue I had ever seen. As a company who is only in charge of the design and rentals of an event, I believe this would be the perfect fit for me because it would be the ideal environment for somebody as creative as I. I also believe working for a specialty event company would be fun because of the diversity that can exist from one event to the next. My ideal professional self would want people to leave their event thinking: "If you can dream it, Chloe can plan it". I always want to keep my clients happy and pleasantly surprised by always going above and beyond in everything I do, while serving as inspirational leader to them and my fellow coworkers.
HTM 201 Mind Map

HTM 201 Reflection
1. As somebody who one day wants to become involved in the hospitality sector of the business world my passions are inspired by what I want to do for others. In everything I do I make sure to stay true to myself and never veer away from what my true goals in life are. In life I want to always find the adventure and fun in everything I do, such as traveling all over the world, exploring the very place I live one day, and doing these things with the people I love.
2. Given my passions are driven by the people I surround myself with I also want to give these people something back for all they have provided for me. I know that I would truly flourish in becoming an event planner because I can provide people the means of having the best day of their life, whether it be a wedding, a conference for the career they love, or a festival where they were counting down the days for it to finally happen.
3. Having core values and sticking to them is something I pride myself on as a person because it has made me the woman I am today. I am a very consistent person in all that I do and I am sure to integrate this into my everyday life. Another thing I do is taking advantage of every opportunity I am provided, whether it be an opportunity to meet with potential future employers or utilize opportunities in college such as studying abroad. Lastly, commitment is a huge thing for me because I believe if you have someone counting on you to get something done it means they feel they can place trust in you and breaking trust with somebody can never be fully repaired.
4. My short and long term goals vary greatly, but they surely go hand in hand for the life I hope to create for myself one day. In the next six to nine months I hope I will be declaring my major, doing the best I can in my classes to maintain my scholarships, and getting accepted into the study abroad program I really want. In the next one to three years I will be graduating from college and work on earning the career I want as an event planner with a company I am proud to say I am apart of.
5. A strength I am proud to say I have is organization. I have had few opportunities to practice event planning, but when I am given one I seize it and make it the best I can. In high school I planned the proms and homecomings, and I planned ahead in every step it took to make these nights amazing for each student and guest attending. As Senior President I planned all of the senior events from senior sunrise to grad night and with all of these events riding on the fact that I was trying to make it the best year for many people, I was sure that every factor of each event had been planned to a tee.
6. To succeed in my career I desire to have good communication skills with my coworkers and my future clientele, I believe this is essential in becoming successful and to network in the business world. I also desire to acquire the skill of problem solving because as events have many different factors to create an amazing product, it will be very easy for problems to arise. The ability to accomodate to the problem and solve it will be especially useful when the time comes.
7. I admire my parents for how they have raised me and for instilling values in me that have made me the person I am today. Without my parents I would not be where I am today. I also highly admire Joanna Gaines for the business and empire she has created for herself. Although she is not an event planner I hope to someday make a name for myself to inspire others to become event planners like me one day. Joanna and my parents are admired by me for very different reasons, my parents didn’t inspire me to become an event planner like Joanna has, but the skills and values they taught me have paved the way for me to become an amazing event planner one day.